Privacy Policy

Privacy & Cookies Policy


The Policy


We Roar Fitness Ltd (“Roar”) are incorporated in England carrying on business as a team of personal trainers, nutrition coaching, fitness classes and facilities (our “Services”) and we are committed to protecting any data that we collect concerning you. This includes having data security systems in place and strong contractual agreements in place where we use third parties.


Our holding of your personal data uses one of three lawful reasons for holding that data, which is not necessarily just your consent. If you are concerned by this please continue to read.   This privacy policy sets out how we gather, use, hold and protect (“process”) any personal information that you give to us when you contact Roar or use our Services. We provide this information to you in the English language only. By continuing to use Roar you are accepting this policy.


Some personal data is essential to our website functioning and our supplying our Services to you.  If you do not wish to allow us to process your data then you will not be able to use our Services.


Useful contact details and a summary of the control you have over your personal data can be found at the end of this policy.




In processing personal data, we will comply with relevant legislation in force from time to time in the UK. We may change this policy from time to time by updating this policy as we improve our Services to you and as relevant Data Protection legislation comes into force including the equivalent of the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679. Your personal information will continue to be held in accordance with our policy as it develops.  We will not reduce your rights under this policy without your consent.


Legal Basis for Processing


Likely Processing


We gather data on four groups,


  1. non-members and viewers of our website in which our Services are described (“Viewer”),
  2. our Customers registering with us to obtain our fitness services generally,
  • Our Customers providing us with information concerning their health in order to benefit from our personal training and nutrition advice services,


  • Where you are merely a Viewer we will normally only gather data indirectly but might also do so directly if you i) request further information from use ii) engage with us on social media as examples.


  • Where you are our Customers we will gather data indirectly and directly


  • Where you are interested in or benefitting from our personal training or nutrition services we will hold your health information which will constitute Special Category Data.


Lawful Basis


We are required to process your personal data in a lawful, fair and transparent manner.


Consent – where you are a Viewer you will be accepting our cookie policy in order to continue to view how our Services operate, or if you follow us on social media we will be holding your personal data as part of our marketing. We detail below the extent of indirect use of data which is anonymised and is not designed to identify you individually.


Contract – where you are inquiring about becoming Customer, where you are a Viewer sending us enquiries, or during the process of registering with us, we process data necessary to answer your enquiry and process your account in order to provide you with the Services. Our service may include being in contact with you as follow up even after your initial question has been answered, to maintain your membership with us including carrying out verification checks on in accordance with our terms of business or otherwise.


Legitimate Activities – where we are required to store information for legal purposes, for example where you have been a Customer for contractual purposes as above, we do so as part of our legitimate activities as a lawful business.


Data Controller and Processor


Roar makes the decisions concerning how personal data through Roar is processed. Accordingly we are the Data Controller for your personal information. Therefore we should be your first point of contact.


Roar may use a third party to help power its website, the online platforms we use for classes and CRM, social media and/or individuals who assist us provide our Services at our discretion.  This provides you with an improved service and better user experience. They process your personal information as set out in this policy or have their own policies which we can direct you to upon request. They do so under our direction and to that extent they act as a Data Processor. Should you have any questions about this please do not hesitate to contact us.


Roar’s Website Anonymous Tracking


Some personal data may be processed by us when you are merely browsing our website.




You can choose to accept or decline cookies from our website.


A cookie is a small file containing an identifier (a string of letters and numbers) that is sent by a web server to a web browser and is stored by the browser on your device when you visit a website. The identifier is then sent back to the server each time the browser requests a page from the server. The cookie helps analyse web traffic or lets you know when you visit a particular site. Cookies help us provide you with a better website by tailoring the website operations to your needs and to respond to you as an individual user such as identifying which pages you find useful and which you do not.


Such a cookie in no way gives us access to your computer or any information about you, other than the data you choose to share with us, however do note that personal information that you do share with us may be linked to the information stored in and obtained from cookies.


Cookies may be either "persistent" cookies or "session" cookies: a persistent cookie will be stored by a web browser and will remain valid until its set expiry date, unless deleted by the user before the expiry date; a session cookie, on the other hand, will expire at the end of the user session, when the web browser is closed.


We use traffic log cookies to identify which pages are being used. This helps us analyse data about web page traffic and improve our website in order to tailor it to customer needs. We only use this information for statistical analysis purposes and does not identify you individually.


For example we might use an email delivery service, to send marketing emails and alerts about Roar’s operations. This service uses cookies to send relevant information to you, depending on your usage. For example you can view the privacy policy of MailChimp, one of these service providers, at Mailchimp Privacy Policy .


Merely by browsing our website, Roar anonymously tracks your use so that we can offer you a better user experience relating to your navigation habits. This helps us analyse data about social media traffic and improve Roar in order to tailor it to the needs of our customers.


Google Analytics


Our website uses tracking technology to help us to analyse user behaviour for marketing purposes.


Google Analytics is an example of this technology. It is an analysis service by Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway Mountain View, CA 94043, USA. Google Analytics allows us to analyse the use of our website application usage.


The information about your visit collected by Google Analytics is usually transferred to a Google server in the USA and saved there. Google will use the information collected on behalf of the application operator to evaluate the users' use of the application, to compile reports about the users' activities within this application, and to provide further services for the application operator related to the use of the application.


We will not gather any personally identifiable information about you through Google Analytics. You can find more information about what data can be collected via Google Mobile App Analytics at Google Mobile App Analytics


By using the website, the user consents that his or her information is collected via Google Analytics.


What we might collect


These types of technology collect the following types of information:


  • identification of your past and current engagement with Roar, its website and its social media pages;
  • technical information from your device to enable it to interact with our system;
  • information about your visits including page response time, pages visited, methods of browsing and similar.


Direct Information Gathering


Some personal data may be processed by us when you have requested membership or information about membership, whether as part of an agreement to purchase from us, merely requesting further contact from Roar.


What we might collect


  • name
  • contact information including postal address, email address and telephone contact details depending on the service you are requesting
  • demographic information such as location
  • other information relevant to your food preferences tastes and price preferences
  • whether you are interested in buying or selling products
  • interest in customer surveys and/or offers


Depending on the services you are enquiring about we may ask you about your state of health generally in order to protect you and ensure that our services are suitable. We will not store this information except in general form. Whilst we review the storage of email enquiries please do not supply detailed information in online enquiries to us.


Personal Payment Information


If you purchase from us on-line, by phone or otherwise then we will be taking your payment details. These are processed by our third party CRM service and online class booking platforms. They use payment providers (at present Stripe) and stored on their site. These third party providers have their own privacy policies which we can direct you to upon enquiry. We do not store your personal payment information in our own systems.


Personal Health Data


When we provide personal training and nutrition coaching services to you we need to collect initial health data and update that data as you continue to benefit from our Services. Current rules require us to hold your health data provided that we have a lawful basis for that processing, in this case by your contract of membership with us, and secondly by explicit consent. When we ask for your health data therefore we may require you to sign a document expressing your consent to handle your data. You will be given more information on how we handle your health date at the time of gaining your explicit consent including how we process this data and where it is kept.


Location Data


We store and disclose to third parties location data in order to assist our delivering Services to you.


Risk and Personal Data


Please note that sending information over the internet is not completely secure and we cannot guarantee the security of your data while it is in transit. Any data you send is at your own risk. Please do not include special category data such as that relating to your personal health during your initial enquiries to us.




We would be delighted if you would provide us with testimonials of your great experiences with us. We will review these before placing them on our marketing literature including our website and will only use your first name or an assumed name if you so wish. Should you wish for your testimonial to be removed please let us know using the contact details provided below.


Customer Experiences


We may also keep data to record the appreciation shown by customers and their experiences. This is for internal purposes to enable us to check that we continue to provide excellent Services. If the record is initiated by us then we will anonymise it, using only first names.


What we do with the information we gather


We take different types of information from you. Processing of anonymous data is either stored on your device and not accessed by us (eg cookies) or informs our statistical analysis on website and page use (eg traffic cookies, Google Analytics).


Processing of your personal information involves a number of different actions depending on why you have supplied us with information:




We hold your data securely. The information we hold about you may be stored outside the UK or European Economic Area in order to process your data.


Initially your personal information is held securely by our third party platforms supplier. They would not normally view or use your personal information and it is subject to their own privacy policies that we can direct you to upon request.


Anonymous Tracking


We collect anonymous data for the following and similar purposes:


  • to customise Roar according to your preferences and tastes
  • to improve how we display information on our products and services on our website for your benefit and in keeping with your device
  • to administer our site and for internal operations, including troubleshooting, data analysis, testing, research, statistical and survey purposes;
  • to allow you to participate in interactive features of our service, when you choose to do so;
  • as part of our efforts to keep our site safe and secure;
  • to measure or understand the effectiveness of advertising we serve to you and others, and to deliver relevant advertising to you;
  • to make suggestions and recommendations to you and other users of our site about Services that may interest you or them.


Initial Response


We require your personal information to make our initial response that you have asked for.  Special Category data you choose to send to us is stored only for a short term by us in order to handle your initial enquiry. Should you have a consultation with us prior to deciding whether to take up membership with us we will need to store this information for an extended period for compliance reasons but this will archived securely.


Information Requests: we will take your name and address to accurately send to you our latest sales information.


Further Processing


Once information is received by us through your registration with us it is stored centrally. We then use your contact details and other information relevant to your registration in order for use to be in contact with you and supply our services to you.


The personal information enables us:


  • to operate our customer service and respond to your enquiry
  • for internal record keeping, to manage your enquiry at times convenient to you.


Your registration data will be held by us for as long as you remain registered with us plus 6 years.


Supplying your data to third parties


Where we must share your data for the purposes of providing you with the services you have requested we will use reasonable endeavors to put in place contractual and practical systems to protect your personal information securely.


Future Marketing


  • Depending on your consent we may periodically use your contact details to send you promotional emails or texts about new products, special offers or other information which we think you may find interesting using the contact details which you have provided.


  • Depending on your consent to contact you, using your contact details, for market research purposes.


  • Depending on your consent, supply of your contact details to third parties for use with related marketing messages.


Your contact information for future marketing will be stored centrally with our third party provider. The use of your personal information for future marketing is managed by our third party provider.


Request for Deletion of information


If you have provided your consent to receive future marketing messages then we will hold this information until you indicate that you no longer wish to receive messages from us.


If you contact us to indicate that you no longer wish to receive messages from us we may store that indication centrally.


Contracts with you


We will use information obtained via our website, social media or in person to finalise contracts with you. Such information will be held in our customer records. Should such data be used to assist in purchases made with you then that information may be held as part of our accounting records held by us for compliance purposes. Only data sufficient for these purposes will be held and this data will be held securely and is kept separately and only for the purposes of tax compliance.


Retention Periods


Unless stated herein, we set out here our general policy with respect to the periods we hold onto your data.


Contract – if you have a contract with us then we will hold onto your data for as long as our contract lasts with you plus 6 years, except where legal compliance obligations require us to hold onto this data for longer.


Consent – where you have provided consent to processing your data either for us to send you marketing messages we will hold onto you data until you have withdrawn your consent to the processing.


Legitimate activities – where we process your data for our legitimate business purposes we will hold onto this data for 6 years or as long as we are required to by law or regulation.


Business Purchase or Sale


Please note that if the business were to be sold or transferred or we were to purchase another business, your data will be transferred with it but only as part of the business as sold or transferred. Your personal information may be disclosed to a prospective buyer or seller of such business.


External Sites and Social Media


When you connect to or from our online services you will be using external online platforms. Please be careful to check whether the external site is one controlled by us (usually our social media spaces on platforms such as Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn) or those used by third parties. We cannot control the information practises of other companies and organisations that might advertise, display, link to, or offer to obtain our goods or services for you. We cannot take responsibility for, cannot control and this policy does not cover spaces on the internet not controlled by us.


Linking to other websites


Similarly our website may contain links to enable you to visit other websites of interest easily. However, once you have used these links to leave our site, you should note that we do not have any control over that other website. Therefore, we cannot be responsible for the protection and privacy of any information which you provide whilst visiting such sites and such sites are not governed by this privacy statement. You should exercise caution and look at the privacy statement applicable to the website in question.


Note also that third party cookies might be downloaded onto your device as a result of your use of our website, for example if you were to send information to or from our website to your social media account your account may require the use of such cookies to enable this transfer to take place. These cookies are not under our control and we disclaim any responsibility for the acts of third party cookies.


Posting Comments & Social Media


Please note that if you choose to post comments on our social media accounts containing personal data we cannot accept responsibility for the use or misuse of such data by others who have access to such posts and we suggest that you consider carefully before posting any such data. Please note that we may review tracking data generated by social media providers such as Facebook for measuring how useful our social media presence is for you.


Social Media Data Gathering


We employ technology to help us identify when you might have encountered us through social media or to send you targeted marketing messages relating to products we have to offer during your social media experience. The use of this technology does result in our holding your personal contact details and likes and dislikes.


Facebook as an example of Social Media Integration


Roar integrates with different social media to the benefit of communicating with you. In order to explain how some social media works we have set out below one example of how your data is used in this case by Facebook. Other social media use your data in different ways and you should review the privacy policy of each provider should you be concerned.


The social network Facebook is headquartered at 1601 South California Avenue, Palo Alto, CA 94304, USA. Facebook is used and to get Facebook information about Roar Customers and Suppliers. An overview of Facebook integrations and social plugins can be found here: Facebook documentation


When users enable the Facebook connection in their settings, the Facebook integration establishes a connection between a user's device and the Facebook server. Thereby, Roar receives information about the user.


When users invite friends via Facebook, the Facebook integration establishes a connection between a user's device and the Facebook server. That allows the user to gain information about his or her friends via Roar. Roar as the provider of its Services does not receive any of this information.


When users share their information on Facebook and when they invite friends via Facebook, the Facebook integration establishes a connection between a user's device and the Facebook server. Thereby, the user links information on Roar to his or her Facebook account. That allows Facebook to correlate a user's usage of Roar with the corresponding user's Facebook account. Roar as the provider of Roar does not have any knowledge of the future data usage by Facebook. Users can find more information on that issue in the privacy policy of Facebook at: Facebook Privacy Policy


Users have to actively enable the Facebook connection in their settings in order to be able to share information on Facebook and invite friends via Facebook. If users do not want Facebook to gain information on their Roar usage or if they don't want Roar to gain information about them via Facebook, they should leave the Facebook integration disabled as it is in the default settings. Once enabled, users can disable the Facebook connection again in their Settings at any time.


By activating the Facebook connection in his or her settings, the user explicitly consents to the information exchange described in this section. Any data arising from the use of Facebook will be located outside the UK or EEA and subject to transmissions between the UK and elsewhere.


Controlling your personal information


Your Rights


Data Protection legislation gives you certain rights to control of your personal data. These are:

  1. The right to be informed.
  2. The right of access.
  3. The right to rectification.
  4. The right to erasure.
  5. The right to restrict processing.
  6. The right to data portability.
  7. The right to object.
  8. Rights in relation to automated decision making and profiling.

Further information on these rights and how to complain can obtained from the UK Information Commissioner whose website is at: ICO


We fulfil these rights in the ways set out below however we do reserve our right to continue to process your data or refuse your requests as set out in relevant legislation.


Privacy Policy


We provide you with information on our use of your data by detailing the information we gather and process in this Privacy Policy.




You can choose to accept or decline cookies from our website. Most web browsers automatically accept cookies, but you can modify your browser setting to decline cookies if you prefer. The methods for doing so vary from browser to browser, and from version to version. You can however obtain up-to-date information about blocking and cookies via these links:



However, if you block cookies, you will not be able to use all the features on our Website and will not be able to use our platform.




You have control over the information you supply to us whether by:


  1. consent gained from your continuing to browse our site, or
  2. your explicit consent by completing a contact or registration form, or
  • your explicit consent to further processing to send you ongoing marketing material concerning our services, or
  1. by your contacting us about your personal information as described below.


The situation in which you give this information will inform our understanding of the consent you have given and the direct purpose for which you supply your data. If you choose to withdraw your consent to the processing of your personal information at any time then you should inform us in writing using our contact details below.


Data Requests


You may request details of personal information which we hold about you under the relevant Data Protection legislation in force at the time (a “Data Request”). If you would like a copy of the information held about you, please email us.


Data Correction, Complaints & Deletions


If you believe that any information we are processing on you


  • is incorrect or incomplete, (perhaps for example because you have seen you name spelt incorrectly or someone else has received a call meant for you) or
  • is being mis-used (perhaps for example a company you don’t know has contacted you using information you supplied to us and you didn’t agree to this), or
  • should no longer be processed by us (perhaps for example because you no longer wish to be contacted)


then please email us as soon as possible. We will promptly correct or delete any information found to be incorrect or no longer necessary and deal with your complaint. These rights to object are subject to our right to consider whether we are permitted or required to continue the processing in which event we will inform of our reasons.


We ask that if you have any concern you first approach us via our contact email address Email Roar Fitness at:


Should you wish to take the matter further we ask that you contact us in writing setting out you concerns in detail to enable us to provide you with an effective response.


Lawful Disclosure by Us


Please note that you hereby provide your consent to and in any case we may be required to disclose your data to lawful authorities for the prevention of crime or regulatory purposes or a court as such court requires. In some circumstances we may not be permitted to inform you that we have made such a disclosure.


Contact Details


Roar is the trading name of Roar Limited registered in England and Wales as company number 09449035.


Our contact email address is Email Roar Fitness at: Our address and contact for written correspondence is [   ]


Any Data Request should be made to the following email address Email Roar Fitness at: